This seemingly hasn't changed, so I need to somehow track down which texture he uses. + Attempted to find and reduce the impact of their fabric overlay. + Restored Boba's body texture with all of it's Photogrammetry detailing. + Restored Boba's original glove textures at their original resolution. + Took the higher resolution (and prop detailed) helmet and backpack gear textures from 2015, stitched them together at their original vertical resolution and put them into 2017 (I also had to do the same to their normal maps). Added a harsh fabric normal map overlay to Boba Fett's costume to compensate for missing detail. Removed all photogrammetry detailing from several areas of Boba Fett's costume, including his shirt, belts, red arm plate and replaced them with solid flat colors. Dropped the resolution of Boba Fett's gloves to 512px. Combined Boba Fett's backpack gear and helmet textures into one single file, thus lowering both textures from a vertical resolution of 2048px in 2015 to 1024px in Battlefront II. Texture normals had to have red and green channels flipped, then the entire normal had to be inverted and several 2015 assets have been merged into lower resolution equivalents in 2017, so the ported assets had to be stiched back together into the new files but at their original resolutions. This was not a simple drag-and-drop operation however. This mod aims to restore the original scanned assets by porting over parts of the 2015 texture files over the new. Upon porting their original assets to Battlefront II however, they have halved texture resolutions and have completely erased prop detailing into blank colors and have then run a filter over all of the textures to give them a "fabric" effect.

=Description= With the release of Battlefront II came some sacrifice to the graphics and textures present in the first game in DICE's series.ĭICE used a technique called "Photogrammetry" to digitally scan the original screen-used props and costumes into the game, to create ultra photo-realistic representations of our favorite Star Wars characters. This version incorporates the pieces of 2017's normal map that tells the engine to shade certain damaged parts of Boba's armor to look like reflective metal. + Added an optional "Shiny Metal" version. + When porting over the 2015 assets, Boba was missing the small white detail in his chest armor that is present in his screen-used costume and the 2017 texture. Revamp and reignite your lightsabers with this graphical upgrade!Įlegantly sophisticated and a style for every occasion. Got a weird sense of humor? You'll get a kick out of this series! 4K Resolution Restoration: 4K Darth Vader.Photogrammetry Restoration: ROTJ Sabers.Photogrammetry Restoration: Luke Skywalker.Don't forget to add the other restored high resolution assets to your collection !